My Services

Lyrics to your music
A complete lyrical service, from song brief, to fully structured words correctly metered.
I will work closely with you to develop a brief and then refine the lyrics to your exact needs.

Lyrical advice
If you already have good lyrical ideas and some words, but just need advice on how to put the jigsaw puzzle together I can work as an advisor to you - to support your own lyric writing.
How it works
Apart from hearing the music the most important thing that I need to work from is a good song brief. You maybe able to provide this immediately, as many commercial clients do. Don't worry if not. The brief describes the story/subject for the song, sets the scene and provides any background information that will help put the message of the song into context. Also any key crieteria such as vocabulary or style are defined in the brief.
Once engaged by you, if not already provided I will generate my own brief from you and will spend a short period of time collecting all the relevant inforamation that I need in order for me to begin work. We can do this via phone conversations, email or meetings as necessary.
From here the writing process starts and I will work collaboratively with you throughout, sharing progress and ideas and refining until the work is complete.
I retain all copyright to my work and as such my work is based on a 50/50 deal of the writers share for the performance and mechanical royalties, unless agreed otherwise in writing before we start work together.
I am happy to travel anywhere in the world if required to assist in the writing or recording process of the songs that we have worked on together. Subject to agreement and costs.
I also have a back catalogue of material if you need an instant song, just let me know. Examples of some of my work can be found at